balance the nervous system: go outside and be in nature

Being in nature boosts sattva (balance and harmony). Take time every day to go outside and immerse yourself in nature to remind yourself that you are part of, not separate from, the natural world. Feel the sun on your face. Listen to the birds sing. Take in a beautiful view. Most importantly, take a break from technology and give your senses a break. Save the music, podcast, and conversation for another time so you can just be in nature without distraction. As an added benefit, take screen breaks throughout the day and look out the window.

Follow along for the next few posts to learn more practical strategies you can use to balance your nervous system and heal from pain and click on the link in my bio and join the Path to Wellness.

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

balance your nervous system: connect


balance your nervois system: Rest