balance your nervois system: Rest

Pain can often affect sleep, and lack of sleep can increase pain. Sleep is essential for the body to process and remove waste products, to boost the immune system, and to heal. It is also the time when we consolidate information and memories, so sleep is essential for learning. Make sleep a priority and develop a bedtime routine that supports sleep:

  • The blue light from screens affects circadian rhythms. Turn off all screens at least two hours before bed.

  • Go to bed at the same time every night.

  • Go to sleep before 10 pm. The fire element picks up at 10 pm, and if we are still awake, we will often get a second wind.

  • Massage your feet and ears with oil before bed. I personally love the Sleep Easy Oil from Banyan Botanicals (use code RACHEL15 for a discount). Put on cozy socks. These two grounding practices support rest and signal to your nervous system that the work is done for the day.

  • Listen to soothing sounds.

  • Journal or practice gratitude.

  • Practice a body scan or other guided meditation to ease into sleep.

Follow along for the next few posts to learn more practical strategies you can use to balance your nervous system and heal from pain and click on the link in my bio and join the Path to Wellness.

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

balance the nervous system: go outside and be in nature


balance your nervous system: practice self-care