Hello darkness, my old friend

The winter solstice is my favorite day of the year. I used to fight the darkness of the winter, until I realized that the reason winter was so hard was because I was expecting to be able to keep up the same pace and energy from the summer year round. Every other being on this planet knows that winter is a time to turn inward, to rest, and to conserve energy. Once I shifted my life to align with the rhythms of nature, I began to appreciate winter, and to lean into the lessons of the darkness.

Creation begins in darkness. We plant seeds underground and they germinate in the dark. Yes, the light helps them grow once they are seedlings, but the darkness is necessary for them to take root. We need darkness and rest to nurture our creative potential so that we can give birth to new ideas, and continue to regenerate.

I heard recently that trees are strongest in the winter because all of their energy is concentrated in their roots. Winter is a time to turn inward rather than extend our energy outward. I hope this winter season allows you the time and space to slow down, listen to your inner wisdom, and connect to your roots.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to savor the darkness:

  • If your life allows, build in time in your day to rest. I'm a big fan of lying on my left side for 10 minutes after lunch to aid in digestion and take a sensory break mid-day. It prevents the afternoon slump and sugar cravings I used to get in the winter. Give it a try and see how it affects your energy and focus in the afternoons.

  • Practice oil massage 1 - 7 times a week to nourish your body, calm your mind, and support grounding. I love to practice abhyanga as part of my winter bedtime ritual. It gets me to wind down (and get off screens) earlier, and supports deep, restful sleep.

  • Get up early, light a candle, practice yoga, and write your morning pages. The wee hours of the morning are quiet and subtle, and are the perfect time to listen to your inner wisdom. As the sun rises, take a few minutes after your practice to free-write with no agenda. It amazing the insight that emerges when you give yourself space to be heard.

And if you could use some support, please reach out. Winter is a great time to receive some nervous system healing via CranioSacral Therapy or to collaborate on developing a therapeutic yoga practice designed specifically for you. I'm also accepting a few new clients for 1:1 health mentorship and/or integrative physical therapy. Book a free Discovery Call to explore how we might work together to support you this winter.

Wishing you a happy solstice.

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.


It’s the little things


Oil = Love