It’s the little things

Happy New Year, friends! As we close out 2023, I'm feeling called to celebrate the little things, and to leave space for 2024 to unfold organically, rather than make bold proclamations. Sometimes the most meaningful moments aren't the big accomplishments, but the little moments of wonder we experience when we are being fully present.

Here are a few of the little things that sparked wonder in my life this year:

  • The joy of being with my mom while she put her feet in the ocean for the first time in years.

  • Meeting my dear friends' child for the first time in person, almost two years after he was born (thanks, pandemic) and singing songs together.

  • The incredible afternoon light that makes the trees in my neighborhood look like they are glowing during my afternoon walks in the fading winter light.

  • Watching 250 people cram into AO Glass to celebrate my friend Stephen Kiernan and his beautiful book, The Glass Chateau.

  • Breathing, connecting, and growing together with the folks who practice yoga with me regularly.

  • Sitting with my dear friend in the last hours of her life and holding space for my tender heart to grow bigger to hug the grief that has blossomed in the months since.

  • Returning to painting and marveling at how watercolors bloom on a page in unexpected and beautiful ways.

  • Teaching at Kripalu and feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible community the students have created in the School of Ayurveda.

  • Andrea Gibson's poetry and wild love for this world, which takes my breath away daily.

  • The million little ways that people in Vermont support each other.

  • The beauty of not knowing, and trusting that things will work out just they way they should.

Reflecting on this year has helped me tune into where I'm feeling pulled energetically. The word that is guiding me as I head into 2024 is INSPIRATION. Rather than list off the things I want to do in the new year, I'm starting out in the direction of inspiration, and being open to where that takes me.

If you feel called, here are a few journal prompts for you to explore to help you set your own direction:

  • What lights you up?

  • When things are difficult, where do you find hope?

  • What does your heart need?

  • What areas of your life are asking to be supported?

  • What areas of your life are ready to be released?

  • What do you want to nurture in yourself/your life?

  • What drains your energy?

  • What brings you great joy?

I hope that this inquiry helps your inner knowing become clear, and helps you to be open to potential. We really don't know where are path will take us, and sometimes we have to leave space for the path to unfold as we travel it.

Wishing you a happy new year.

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

Ojas Milk Recipe


Hello darkness, my old friend