It’s not all in your head

Over the years I’ve seen a lot of people whose doctors dismissed them or made them feel like their pain was all in their head because they didn’t get better by treating their symptoms, and often the source of pain couldn’t be seen on an image. If you know my story, you know that this happened to me. I had excruciating pain and severe loss of function (I couldn’t make a fist with my right hand, so I couldn’t do basic things like hold a pen to write my name), and I had doctor after doctor tell me that I was fine because the MRIs didn’t show any signs of nerve compression.

My integrative pain practice evolved from my experiences as a patient and a provider, and really wanting to do things differently. As a patient with persistent pain, I was tired of being bounced around from provider to provider and hitting dead-ends. I felt like I had to prove that I was hurting, and that providers treated me like it was my fault for not being better yet. I think this shame was compounded because I'm a Doctor of Physical Therapy, and I felt like I should have been able to fix myself (even though in my heart I don't believe that anyone needs to be fixed).

I really needed someone who would listen, and who would take the time to help me uncover the root causes. I needed someone who would support me when I was feeling defeated and who would help me learn how to trust myself again, rather than someone who made me feel bad for all the ways I was deficient. There was a reason why my pain was thriving, and I needed to shift the conditions in my life that were fueling the pain, and create an environment that allowed my resilience to step forward.

As a provider, I kept hearing the same kinds of stories from my patients. If I had a dime for every patient who told me that their doctor told them it was "all in their head," there was "nothing wrong with them," or that they would be fine if they "exercised" or "lost a little weight," I would be a wealthy person. I'm pretty tired of healthcare professionals blaming people for their symptoms and giving symptom-oriented solutions to systemic problems.

I've been reflecting on healthcare a lot in the past year, and I think one of the biggest challenges is that we've been convinced that we have to look outside of ourselves for the answers. We've been told to override our intuition and forsake our traditional medicines in favor of listening to experts and taking prescribed medications. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for Western medicine and pharmaceuticals. As someone with asthma and an anaphylactic allergy to finfish and shellfish, steroids have saved my life on more than one occasion.

I also know that my health and my ability to heal my own persistent pain shifted when I started to cultivate a deep relationship with myself and to honor my body's natural rhythms. Rather than look at pain as a problem, I now see that pain (and really any symptom) is really just a way for the body to communicate, and that being in right relationship with ourselves enables us to respond to those messages with care and compassion. What a gift to be able to give ourselves the support our bodies are asking for!

My practice is built on relationships. I spend time with my clients and I listen to their stories. I help clients interpret the messages their bodies are offering. Rather than give clients a list of do's and don'ts, my goal is to provide education that empowers clients to know how to heal themselves. I help clients create a lifestyle that supports health and healing.

I specialize in working with people with persistent, stubborn pain.

If you have persistent or mysterious pain and you want to move beyond a physical, mechanical approach to treatment, register for a Path to Wellness Package. Let's work together to help your nervous system heal.

Questions? Please reach out. I’m happy to chat about what you need and whether my approach would be a good fit for you.

The Path to Wellness

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

It’s hard work growing up


It’s Really Not A Mystery