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At the root is disconnection
Ayurveda Rachel de Simone Ayurveda Rachel de Simone

At the root is disconnection

Because we have become so disconnected from nature, we have also become disconnected from ourselves. This disconnection prevents us from trusting the wisdom of our bodies, and causes us to override our instincts. If we want to heal, we have to restore our connections.

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It’s not all in your head
Pain Rachel de Simone Pain Rachel de Simone

It’s not all in your head

Over the years I’ve seen a lot of people whose doctors dismissed them or made them feel like their pain was all in their head because they didn’t get better by treating their symptoms, and often the source of pain couldn’t be seen on an image. If you know my story, you know that this happened to me. I had excruciating pain and severe loss of function (I couldn’t make a fist with my right hand, so I couldn’t do basic things like hold a pen to write my name), and I had doctor after doctor tell me that I was fine because the MRIs didn’t show any signs of nerve compression.

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