Stop being chased by a lion

Did you know that the human nervous system contains 45 miles of nerves? Vermonters, that is the distance from Burlington to Barre!

These nerves are all connected like one big communication highway that sends information through electrical impulses. The nervous system is always buzzing with a baseline of energy. A healthy nervous system will spike when a threat is detected, and once the threat is gone, it should return back to its baseline.

For 1 in 4 people, the alarm doesn't reset. Instead of going back to baseline, a new, more sensitive baseline is established, which means it takes less to trigger the alarm. When the body is in that heightened state, you will have less bandwidth to accommodate to changes in activity, stress, temperature, bacteria or viruses, etc. In other words, little things that never used to bother you will set you off. Sound familiar?

The chart on the left shows how much space a regulated nervous system has before it triggers a pain response. The chart on the right shows how a sensitive nervous system is more easily triggered.

The nerves act as an alarm system to warn you of potential danger, which is a really positive protective response. If you were being chased by a lion, you would want your nervous system to activate to help you run, fight, or hide, and to keep you safe.

If you have ongoing stress (including pain that lasts for a long time), your nervous system won't be able to tell the difference between a stressful day at work and an actual lion. The brain on pain can become so sensitive, that it is like you are living with a metaphorical lion chasing you at all times.

To heal from pain, autoimmune conditions, depletion, and/or chronic stress, you have to heal your nervous system. Here are a few things that can help:

  • REST. A LOT. It is exhausting to be chased by a lion all the time. Rest is essential for everyone and most of us don't get enough, but it is non-negotiable for people with a sensitive system because it is like we are trying to power a whole city with a battery that is about to lose its charge, and we are being chased by a metaphorical lion. Seriously. REST. I know it is hard. We'll talk about why in another newsletter.

  • Come receive a healing CranioSacral treatment. CST helps open space in the nervous system so that energy can flow, restoring the natural rhythm of the nervous system. It is incredibly relaxing, and when the nervous system is on alert, it has trouble relaxing and sometimes needs a little help in order to rest.

Try a CranioSacral Session

Want more support with getting rid of the metaphorical lion? I offer Integrative Pain Consultations where we map your nervous system and then develop a personalized mind-body-spirit wellness practice to help you heal your nervous system and rebuild your resilience and vitality. Schedule a free Discovery Call to talk about your needs and how I can help.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

Summer Solstice & Full Moon Ritual


Your Nervous System Has a Bouncer