Outdoor yoga in Queen City Park starts tomorrow!

Summer Yoga Schedule: Saturdays 8 - 9:30 am in Queen City Park and Zoom; Mondays 7 - 8 am on Zoom

I love practicing outdoors, and Queen City Park has a magical, spiritual energy and a beautiful view of Lake Champlain. It is private and quiet, and there are both sunny and shady spots thanks to the majestic trees who also provide a grounding presence. I love being serenaded by the birds, and having time to relax and hang out after class without feeling rushed. Queen City Park is right down the street from Red Rocks, so folks often take a walk together after class.

If you live locally, I hope you will join us in person. Please park at Red Rocks and stroll down the road to the park. We'll be in the center facing the lake. You can't miss us!

I also will livestream the Saturday class for those who can't get to Queen City Park. Monday's class will be held online only.

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What Can I Expect?

My classes are designed to HARMONIZE ENERGY so you leave feeling grounded and refreshed.

The practices change with the seasons because the qualities in nature change seasonally, which affects the way we feel. Have you ever noticed that you feel a little stuck in the spring, or less patient in the summer?

Energetic balance is based on the Ayurvedic principle of harmony which says that in order to find balance we have to understand which qualities are elevated and use the opposite qualities to come back to center. 

My classes begin with inquiry. What are the qualities of the environment? Which of those qualities are manifesting in you? Do you feel hot or cold? Steady or spacey? Is your energy flowing or are you stuck?

What I teach changes seasonally, but more importantly HOW I teach changes seasonally, and there is a reason behind every choice I make in a practice. 

For the next few weeks while it is still spring, practices will be designed to get energy flowing because spring is mud season and when energy gets stuck, it blocks the channels so that we feel bogged down. 

As we transition into summer, practices will be cooling and spacious to balance the fire element abundant in nature which can make us feel overheated and spicy.

In any season, the intention is to enhance your life force so that you feel vibrant and your gifts shine. It is pretty amazing to witness the energetic shifts in people after these kinds of practices!

Curious? Yoga is meant to be learned through direct experience.

Come try out a class and see for yourself!

Take a Class

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.


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