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Outdoor yoga in Queen City Park starts tomorrow!
Rachel de Simone Rachel de Simone

Outdoor yoga in Queen City Park starts tomorrow!

My classes are designed to HARMONIZE ENERGY so you leave feeling grounded and refreshed.

What I teach changes seasonally, but more importantly HOW I teach changes seasonally, and there is a reason behind every choice I make in a practice.

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When things fall apart, they often fall into place
Rachel de Simone Rachel de Simone

When things fall apart, they often fall into place

The 8-limbed path of yoga begins with ethical guidelines, called the yamas and niyamas, for how to live a yogic life. The tenth and final niyama is Īśvarapraṇidhāna, which means surrender, or trusting the course of life. Life threw me a curve ball recently, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard. In my better moments though, I feel confident that things are working out exactly as they should. I trust that nature always seeks balance, and that sometimes when things look like they are out of place, they are actually just in a process of realignment.

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Yoga is more than exercise
Rachel de Simone Rachel de Simone

Yoga is more than exercise

Every part of our practice (studying philosophy, mantra, mudra, pranayama, meditation, asana, etc.) is yoga. But the true yoga is living your yoga. What is the purpose of our time on the mat if not to guide us into becoming more engaged, compassionate, and aware beings? Your personal practice informs your life, and your life informs your practice. And, this is a lifelong practice of cultivating peace in the world, starting with cultivating peace with ourselves.

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everything is connected
Rachel de Simone Rachel de Simone

everything is connected

The most powerful medicine is often the simplest. Ayurveda looks at the context and asks, "What in the environment is creating the conditions for this imbalance to thrive?" For me, the answer is in the question. When I ask myself what sharks are in my waters, the answer is anything in my environment that disconnects me from my inner wisdom and from the wisdom of the natural world. When I think about solving every problem, it feels overwhelming. But when I think about connecting to the rhythm of my heart and the rhythm of nature, it seems quite simple.

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the birthday of the world
Rachel de Simone Rachel de Simone

the birthday of the world

I recently listened to an On Being episode featuring Rachel Naomi Remen in which she tells the Hebrew story of “the birthday of the world.” I'd like to share her story with you, and I encourage you to listen to the full episode:

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the play of opposites
Wellness Rachel de Simone Wellness Rachel de Simone

the play of opposites

Darkness is not the absence of light. Fear is not the absence of love. They are both contained within each other. Like the Chinese yin/yang symbol, there is darkness in the light, and there is light in the darkness. Our mission is not to abolish the darkness, but rather to balance it, for it is through darkness that we appreciate the brilliance of the light.

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revolutionary love
Recipe Rachel de Simone Recipe Rachel de Simone

revolutionary love

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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