What is Craniosacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, profoundly relaxing, hands-on treatment designed to balance the nervous system. It uses light, healing touch to relax the fascia and open space for energy and cerebrospinal fluid to flow. Because pain is both a sign of stagnation and a nervous system response to threat, CranioSacral Therapy is one of my favorite practices for calming the nervous system and relieving pain.
The practice is based on the idea that your body is designed to maintain balance and intuitively knows how to heal itself. By using gentle myofascial and neurofascial release and healing touch, tension in the body melts away, and the nervous system is able to restore its natural rhythm. One of my clients describes it as “a massage for your nervous system.” You will leave feeling relaxed, centered, and restored.
What is the Science behind Craniosacral therapy?
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by a thick form of connective tissue called the dura which forms a membrane system that contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is made in the brain and it pulses and circulates throughout the central nervous system in a wave-like rhythm. It nourishes the nervous system, removes wastes, and provides cushioning and protection so that the brain and spinal cord don’t bump up against the bony containers of the skull and vertebral column every time we move. When the membrane system is under physical stress and/or emotional tension, it can stiffen and contract, restricting the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and leading to physical and energetic blockages and stagnation. CranioSacral Therapy restores the flexibility of the dura so that the cerebrospinal fluid can flow with ease, and the nervous system receives the support, protection, and waste management it needs.
What symptoms or conditions can be helped by craniosacral therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy can be helpful for any condition or symptom that has its roots in nervous system activation. This includes:
Chronic Pain
Migraines, Headaches
Eye Pain
Acute Pain
Orthopedic Injuries
Neurodivergence, Learning Differences, ADD/ADHD, Autism, and difficulties with Sensory Integration and Processing
Central Nervous System Disorders
Memory Concerns, including Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Spinal Cord Injuries
Scoliosis, Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Pelvic Pain
Traumatic Brain Injuries, Concussions, and Whiplash
Chronic Fatigue and Exhaustion
Sleep Challenges
Stress, Tension, Overwhelm, and Burnout
Depression, Anxiety, and difficulties with Emotional Balance
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and other Connective Tissue Disorders
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Immune Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and digestive concerns like constipation
Hormone Imbalance and Endocrine challenges
CranioSacral Therapy is also helpful for prevention & health maintenance. Pain neuroscience research shows that the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system work together to form a Super System to defend the body. Prolonged impacts to any one of those three systems can affect all three systems. Healing the nervous system can therefore support a healthy and resilient immune system and hormonal balance.
When is craniosacral therapy contraindicated?
Craniosacral Therapy affects the fluid balance in the nervous system, and therefore should not be used by anyone that has an acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage, severe and uncontrolled bleeding disorder, or any other condition that could be exacerbated by small changes in intracranial pressure. This includes some active brain tumors. If you are unsure whether CranioSacral Therapy is right for you, consult with your CST provider and your medical doctor.
How often should I receive cranioSacral treatments?
Everyone is different and treatment plans are developed collaboratively based on your needs and resources. You may benefit from regular sessions to address specific concerns, or from monthly or quarterly tune-ups for maintenance, prevention, and nervous system resilience.
For acute symptoms, regular sessions (one or more times a week for several weeks) can be helpful to accelerate healing. Some people need time for integration before they are ready to build upon their progress, and they benefit from a few weeks in between sessions. Like any type of healing modality, there can also be a benefit to receiving treatment as needed. I believe the body knows what it needs and communicates when it is ready for follow-up. I always encourage clients to trust their bodies’ wisdom.
Where can I learn more about CranioSacral THerapy?
Like many healing modalities, there are different lineages of CranioSacral Therapy. I am trained in the Upledger tradition and appreciate this lineage because of the way it integrates anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics with a modern understanding of the impact of energy, emotion, and stress on the nervous system. Dr. John Upledger was an Osteopathic Physician and Professor of Biomechanics at Michigan State University who observed that the body had a rhythm that was different from the heart rate or respiratory rate and was unexplained by modern medicine. He built upon the pioneering work of Dr. William Sutherland who observed that the cranial sutures enabled movement of the cranial bones, and were not fused as had been previously thought. Dr. Upledger lead a team of researchers at Michigan State to study the cranial rhythm, and developed the healing practice of CranioSacral Therapy as it is taught today. To learn more about Dr. Upledger and the CranioSacral Tradition, please visit the Upledger Institue’s webpage.
How do I schedule an appointment?
I see clients in my clinic in Shelburne, Vermont and would love to share this healing practice with you. CranioSacral Therapy was the key to unlocking my own chronic pain pattern, and it is a gift that I feel deeply honored to offer to others. To make an appointment, please click on the button below.
What People are saying:
“My Craniosacral session with Rachel was wonderful! I have never felt as relaxed as I did after my session with her. My heart center felt so open both physically and emotionally. I highly recommend a Craniosacral therapy session with her!!”
“This was my first CranioSacral Therapy and I absolutely loved it. I wasn’t sure what to expect and Rachel not only put me at ease with her welcoming, warm and inclusive energy but also provided great insight into the practice and what I could expect. Her gentle soft touch was incredibly healing. I came into the session depleted and left feeling more expanded. I slept so soundly that night and woke up feeling even more expanded, healed and energized the next day. I am looking forward to my next session and can’t recommend Rachel enough.”