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Spring Thaw: Yoga & Ayurveda for Spring Workshop
Spring is a love letter to kapha dosha. Kapha is earth and water. It gives us life and nurtures growth. Like a seedling pushing its way out of the seed pod and through the dark, damp earth, kapha gives us the endurance and stamina to work hard and to trust that our hard work will eventually bear fruit.
Feeling BLAH this Spring?
Spring is kapha season, which means the earth and water elements are more predominant in nature. When earth and water mix, they become mud, and mud is thick, heavy, sticky, cold, and damp. These same qualities can start to creep into our own bodies, leading to congestion, swelling, seasonal allergies, heaviness, and inertia. Even though there is an energy of emergence as the sun starts to peak out again, and the tenacious spring ephemerals push through the mud and start to bloom, it is common to feel weighed down and heavy during the spring. Can anyone relate to feeling unmotivated and stuck in the mud this time of year?