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At the root is disconnection
Because we have become so disconnected from nature, we have also become disconnected from ourselves. This disconnection prevents us from trusting the wisdom of our bodies, and causes us to override our instincts. If we want to heal, we have to restore our connections.

Rachel de Simone
Rachel de Simone
Summer Solstice & Full Moon Ritual
The summer solstice aligns with a full moon this year, which makes it a potent time for reflection and for connecting with our inner light and wisdom.

Rachel de Simone
Rachel de Simone
It’s hard work growing up
In order to bloom, they have to grow DOWNWARDS first. Only after they've set their foundation do their sprouts start to shoot up. And those sprouts have to work hard to push through the heavy, sticky mud in order to find light. Imagine how much trust that must take to move away from the light in order to set the foundation.