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Summer Solstice & Full Moon Ritual
The summer solstice aligns with a full moon this year, which makes it a potent time for reflection and for connecting with our inner light and wisdom.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin
Digestion involves transformation, integration, and elimination. In a fast-paced world where we are often required to multi-task, disregard our own needs, and move on quickly to the next thing, we don't always have the time and space we need to metabolize and integrate. This makes it hard for us to eliminate, or let go of, what isn't for us. It also makes it hard for us to move on from relationships and places that aren't serving us.
Digesting difficult experiences takes time and support, and it is harder to move through the three stages of digestion when we have internal and external pressure to simply let go or move on. We have to be willing and able to feel our feelings and to hold space for the difficult things in order to really move on.

tapas: The friction that happens when an old habit and a new habit rub up against each other
Tapas is the fire of transformation that sparks positive change. It is the commitment and discipline we need to break free of habits, or samskaras, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. We experience tapas when we choose to stay with challenge and not back away.