2nd Birthday

Lessons Learned from Year 2

This was a big week! Lotus Yoga & Integrative Health turned 2, I submitted my capstone project for the Therapeutic Pain Certification I've been working on all year, and I was a guest on my first podcast. Earlier this summer I redesigned and relaunched my website and I've taken a few big steps towards my vision of Lotus becoming an interdisciplinary healing center (stay tuned!).

Behind the scenes there has been a lot of hard work, some big moments of doubt, and a few important lessons around setting boundaries and being open to possibilities.

I've been reflecting upon all that I've learned (and re-learned) this year, and my biggest takeaway is that when the universe closes a door, that redirection is an opportunity to aim higher. This year showed me with utmost clarity that what is for me won't miss me, and if I'm having to push the river, that is a clear sign that it isn't my path. I can hear the words of my dear friend Reuben Jackson reminding me that saying 'no' to something that isn't working is saying 'yes' to myself.

I said no in a few pretty big ways this year. It was hard and scary, and it also felt empowering. I'm thankful the universe shut certain doors because it is allowing me to walk through the ones that open to magic and possibility.

This year has been a wild ride! Until 5 months ago, I was building Lotus while also working a more than full time job. My friend Nikkie reminded me this week of how much growth there has been in such a short amount of time, and for that I have to thank each of you.

Thank you for all the ways you support me and my business. Whether you practice yoga with me, work with me 1:1, refer your friends and family to me, like my social media posts, or read my weekly newsletter, you are the heart of this practice, and I'm so grateful. Thank you for being part of the Lotus sangha!

With love,


Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.


The Radical Lesson in Running Out of Gas on the Highway


My First Podcast!